Privacy Policy

  1. The venue may collect information about members including information contained in the application form and information as to transactions resulting in points, credits and debits, which will be held in the Settlers Tavern Customer Loyalty Database. The database contains the following:
    1. Transaction details associated with the collection of loyalty points.
    2. Points collected and awards provided.
    3. Mobile and email address as well as other information provided by the actual member as a willing participant.
  2. A member of the loyalty program may access their information held by the venue by enquiry c/o 114 Bussell Highway Margaret River or via email If the information is inaccurate or incomplete, the member may advise the venue to update the information.
  3. Information from the venue database will be made available to agents involved in administering the Customer Loyalty program including agents producing cards and points summaries and data processing. Information from the database will also be made available to and used by the venue for marketing (direct and all other kinds), planning, product development, research and other commercial purposes.
  4. Each member consents and agrees to:
    1. The venue and its agents accessing the information contained in the database;
    2. The disclosure of any information contained in the database to the venue, or its agents for the purposes set out above; and
    3. The disclosure of any information contained in the database by the venue, or its agents for the purposes referred to above.

Please see Terms and Conditions for further information.

Please direct any enquiries regarding the above Privacy Policy c/o 114 Bussell Highway Margaret River or via email to

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we are on, the Wadandi People, and their elders, past, present and emerging. We are committed to honouring the First Nations People’s unique cultural and spiritual relationship with the land and waters, and their rich contribution to the community and our society.